Financial Accounting Peer Tutor Scholarship

The Financial Accounting Peer Tutor Scholarship is at least a $1,500 scholarship to an accounting major in the School of Business.
CRITERIA: The scholarship is awarded to a student(s) who a) Full-time Accounting Major; b) has completed a minimum of 60 credits at the end of the Spring Semester; c) has earned a minimum Grade of B in Acct 301 and Acct 302; d) is returning to Geneseo in the subsequent academic year. Preference will be given to student(s) with demonstrated potential for leadership and success in the accounting profession and the ability to effectively communicate with peers, which may be demonstrated through involvement in extracurricular activities, work experience, and community service.
PROCESS: One or more scholarship(s) of equivalent value may be awarded annually. Scholarship applicants must submit the following by July 16 to be considered: 1) Application form, 2) Current Resume; 3) Current unofficial transcript; and 4) one page personal essay on college activities and aspirations post graduation.
SELECTED BY: School of Business
