Amy S. Janicki 2013 Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund

The Amy S. Janicki 2013 Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund provides a $1,000 scholarship and was established in memory of Amy S. Janicki 2013 by her family and friends.
CRITERIA: This scholarship is awarded to a student who a) is an active Sigma Delta Tau sister, b) embodies the passion and joy for Geneseo and the sorority, and c) who actively works to make the sorority a more positive and productive place for the growth of both individual members and the chapter as a whole. The full award amount is to be given in the Fall semester. In order to receive this scholarship, the student selected is expected to send a personal thank you letter to Amy’s parents, Dennis and Susan Janicki
SELECTED BY: Enrollment Management with input from the Associate Dean for Fraternal Life & Off-Campus Services
